
Obesity is not a blessing, but a curse

Obesity has at least the following "point of trouble" ". First, resulting in heavy body, inconvenient, psychological barriers; second, clothing, food, shelter and transportation costs increase; third, bring many fatal diseases, and even cause premature death. Among them, the dangers of the most obese, may lead to a series of serious complications, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, cancer and other, these diseases are the main killer of human health.

Overall, obesity itself is not fatal, but the obesity brought by, easy concurrent diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and so can really reduce the life. Therefore, we oppose both the blind to lose weight, do not advocate "the fat fat", but should try to make FeiShou moderate. That is to say, to calculate the their ideal body weight according to their specific circumstances, and then through diet, exercise and other measures, to control their weight in the ideal range, in order to ensure a healthy body, can truly live a long and healthy life.

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1 lead to dyslipidemia

Obesity, especially abdominal obesity than the average person more easy performance for hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein abnormally elevated, and the high density lipoprotein decreased. Are likely to suffer from hyperlipidemia obesity is not very clear, the possible reasons are the following several points: one is eating too much fat, the second is the multi body fat storage, and the third is the high insulin blood elevated blood lipids, lipid clearance.

2 increase cerebrovascular disease

Obesity is easy to develop hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes, while hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes obesity, the brain more prone to problems. First of all, the people prone to cerebral atherosclerosis, their blood vessels in the brain is hard and brittle, easily in the role of hypertension rupture, causing the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, and even life-threatening. Secondly, obesity, blood tissue plasminogen solution activation of inhibitory factor is higher than the average person, this factor thrombus as well as cerebral thrombosis occurs once generated, difficult to dissolve, so obese easily, or cerebral infarction.

3 increase the probability of hypertension

Obesity and hypertension are closely related. Among obese individuals aged 40 - 50 years, the incidence of hypertension was 50% higher than that of the non obese person. A moderately obese person who has a high blood pressure is 5 times more than a normal weight person and is 2 times as many as a mild obese person..

4 increase cardiac load

It was found that the incidence of angina and sudden death in obesity increased by 4 times. This shows that obesity will certainly increase the burden of the heart, causing heart damage. The heart of a normal human body is like a water pump, constantly shrinking and relaxing, maintaining the circulation of blood.. Fat people because of the blood stored in too much fat, so the total blood volume has correspondingly increased a lot of heart will increase the strength of contraction accordingly. When the heart is overwhelmed, it cannot effectively pump blood, causing the accumulation of blood in the state of the cardiovascular system, the person that weigh even overt heart failure.

5 lead to fatty liver

About half of the obese people with fatty liver. The liver is the place where triglycerides are synthesized, but there is little room for the liver to store it.. The imbalance between the synthesis and transport of triglyceride in the obese body has been a disorder, and the fatty acid intake of the obese person is high, so the triglyceride of the liver is also synthesized.. A large amount of triglycerides are accumulated in the liver. The results form the fatty liver..

6 increase diabetes risk

Obesity is one of the important risk factors for diabetes.. Of the type 2 diabetes, 80% are obese.. Moreover, the longer the occurrence of obesity, the greater the risk of developing diabetes.

7 cause bone joint disease

There are three main types of bone joint disease which can be caused by obesity. Osteoarthritis, diabetic bone disease and gout bone disease. Among them the most, the most harmful is osteoarthritis. The osteoarthritis of the knee mainly affects the knee joint, and the second can affect the hip joint and the finger joints..

8 obesity prone to cancer

According to the results of epidemiological survey, obese women are more likely to develop endometrial cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer, obese men are more easily suffer from prostate cancer; and as long as it is obese, both men and women are more easily suffering from node colon cancer and rectal cancer. The severity of obesity, the higher the prevalence of several cancers.

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Strength-Training Guidelines can be done with a variety of equipment

Resistance bands, stability balls, hand weights or just your body weight can be used during strength training. Remember to follow the FITT principle when developing your strength-training routine.

FrequencyIAE Kate

Exercise each body part two to three times per week, allowing 48 hours between sessions for adequate rest. When you are strength training, you actually are tearing down muscle fibers. You must allow adequate rest for those muscle fibers to grow back stronger. For example, if you are working your quadriceps and hamstrings on Monday, you should not be training those same muscle groups Tuesday.


Choose a weight that can be lifted 8-12 times per set. The last 3-4 reps should be quite intense. If the intensity is not great enough, you will be less likely to see results. When you can perform more than 12 repetitions without rest, increase the weight slightly for your next workout.


Beginners typically benefit from exercise sessions of 30-45 minutes. When resting between sets, try not to take longer than 2-3 minutes as a beginner. As you get more fit, try to reduce this time to 1 minute or less.


When performing strength training, it is important to work every major muscle group — arms, chest, back, core, and legs. Make sure you work opposing muscles, not just the ones you see when you look in the mirror — biceps, chest, abs, quads. The opposing muscles work in opposition to those. In this case, it would be the triceps, back, lower back, and hamstrings. Also be sure to work your sides — obliques, hips, abductors and adductors. The idea is to achieve balance. The same goes for the upper and lower body. Don’t neglect one or the other just because one is more important to you. This can create imbalance and set you up for injury and pain.

Sample Exercises

Modified Push-ups

Begin on your hands and knees with your hands shoulders-width apart and slightly forward. Your knees should be directly under your hips, your abdomen tight, and spine neutral. There should be a straight line from your knees to your shoulders — no high hips or glutes in the air! Exhale and bend your elbows to lower your chest to 90 degrees at the elbow. Inhale and press your body back up to the starting position, making sure your elbows don’t lock or completely straighten. If you can’t go to 90 degrees at the elbow, just go to a comfortable position until you can work up to 90 degrees.
Wall Squats

Wall SquatsWall Squats

Stand with your back against a wall. Bring your feet shoulders-width apart and a few inches in front of your body. Slide down the wall until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Your weight should be in your heels and your knees should not come forward of your toes. Keep your shoulders pressing back into the wall and your abdominals engaged. As you become more proficient, you can increase your hold from 10 seconds to 30-60 seconds. Don’t lock your knees when you extend your legs back to the starting position.


Lay on your back, with knees bent, hands resting behind your head, and feet flat on the floor. Keep a space between your chin and chest, looking toward your knees. Exhale and lift your head, neck, and shoulders up until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Inhale and slowly return to starting position. Don’t interlace your fingers; allow them to rest gently behind your ears. Think about drawing your ribs toward your hips while doing the exercise.

Oblique Crunch

Lay on your back, with knees bent, hands resting behind your head, and feet flat on the floor. Keep a space between your chin and chest, looking toward your knees. Exhale and lift your head, neck, and shoulders, rotating your upper torso to the right as if to bring the right shoulder to the right hip. Inhale and return to the starting position. Repeat on the left side. Keep your elbows back and out of your peripheral vision. Don’t interlace your fingers; allow them to rest gently behind your ears. Think about drawing your ribs toward your hips while doing the exercise.


Use the anabolic diet or meizitang for natural weight loss and muscle gain

Alternating low and high carbs days prevents the body from reverting to burning mainly carbs for fuel. The higher carb days also allow the body to replenish fuel used during vigorous exercise.

Carb cycling
Carb cycling allows more freedom in scheduling which days are low-to-moderate carb days and which are high carbs; people can match their more intense workout days to their high carb days. Rest days and light workout days lend themselves to eating fewer carbs and lets the body burn fat for fuel.

A major difference between the two diets is fat intake. Carb cycling suggests followers eat low fat, even as little as possible on high carb days.This is especially beneficial for people who like fatty foods. The anabolic diet allows people to eat 15 to 20 percent of calories from fat on high carb days when the body is geared to burn fat.

The diets also differ on protein intake. The anabolic diet allows for one-third of calories to come from protein. Carb cycling has specific protein recommendations: between 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight on high carb days and between 1.25 and 1.75 grams per pound on other days. Both eating plans ensure people eat sufficient protein to build and maintain muscle.

Choosing a diet
People with demanding work schedules may prefer the anabolic diet because eating the same on each week day is simpler. People who engage in high-intensity workouts during the week may prefer carb cycling. However, people react differently to low-carbohydrate diets. One of these plans may work better for certain people depending on what their bodies naturally need.

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The anabolic diet and carb cycling program are similar eating plans that naturally burn fat and spare muscle. The main concern for athletes and weightlifters when dieting is that the reduction of calories could cause a loss of muscle because the body needs calories to maintain muscle mass. Both of these plans help achieve weight loss without sacrificing muscle. They also do not involve severe calorie or food restriction, which could lead to unhealthy weight loss or malnutrition, but there are some differences.

The anabolic diet is based on a book of the same name by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. It is a low-carbohydrate diet based on alternating low-carb and high-carb days. The diet claims to work by encouraging the body burn fat instead of carbs.

According to The Anabolic Diet book, burning fat may lead to fewer hunger cravings making it easier to adhere to the diet. Carb cycling is different because it involves alternating high carb and low-to-moderate carb days following a workout schedule. High-carb days are for working out hard and replenishing glyocgen stores, a substance the body uses for fuel. Lower carb days burn fat.
Anabolic diet
The principal of the anabolic diet is to make the body a fat-burning machine. Followers start with one week of only low carb eating to make the body start burning fat for energy instead of carbs. After week one, the diet recommends eating low carbs during the week and high amounts of carbs on the weekends.